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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2021-05-24 23:24:12 |  访问:642

lab manager and assistant position in the dynamic embodied brain laboratory, center for excellence in brain science and intelligence technology, cas


the center for excellence in brain science and intelligence technology (cebsit,http://english.cebsit.cas.cn/) formerly known as the institute of neuroscience (ion) is a cross-disciplinary, multi-institutional organization that aims to consolidate existing research strength of cas laboratories via the formation of collaborative research teams. these teams will address major frontier questions in brain science as well as in intelligence technology that involves brain-inspired computing methods and devices. the newly established international center for primate brain research (icpbr) is affiliated to the cebsit, aims to be one of the world-class brain research institution.

a lab manager position is open in the dynamic embodied brain laboratory (deb lab) at icbpr, led by the principal investigator (pi) dr. henry evrard. the deb lab examines the relations between bodily functions (e.g., heart rate) and brain functions (e.g., emotions) at the neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging levels. these relations are of paramount importance for our daily affective and cognitive life, for our sense of self, our well-being, and our mental health. the deb lab is internationally active and connected, with research being conducted both at the icpbr as well as in collaborating centers in europe and the usa. the deb lab is currently recruiting both chinese and non-chinese team members, aiming at creating a very active, cohesive and harmonious international team.

position description:

the candidate will be responsible for all aspects of the deb labs management, including, but not limited to:

a. purchasing, budget, and maintenance contracts.

b. grant application and management.

c. personnel welcome, administrative, and travel arrangements.

d. visitors welcome and travel arrangement.

e. assisting the pi in keeping track of lab schedules.

f. administrative liaison with cas, cebsit and icpbr core administrations.

g. international liaison.

h. assisting deb lab researchers, based on experience. the deb lab will provide the candidate with an appropriate training in these methods.


1. bachelor (or higher) in management, or biology, veterinary science, or a related field is required.

2. excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in both chinese and english.

3. excellent communication and interpersonal skills are required.

4. proficiency in using basic computer programs including microsoft office.

5. work independently and efficiently, with good work ethics and team work spirit.

6. experience in a manager/assistant position is preferable.

7. experience in laboratory methods is preferable but not required.

to apply:

please send your cv tohr@ion.ac.cn, with cc tohenry.evrard@tuebingen.mpg.de(please note the position you applying in the email subject). position will remain open until filled.


国际灵长类脑研究中心henry evrard研究员建立的全身动态脑研究组(dynamic embodied brain laboratorydeb lab)主要在神经解剖学、神经生理学和神经影像学层面研究身体功能(如心率)和大脑功能(如情绪)之间的关系。研究方向对我们的日常情感和认知生活、自我意识与心理健康都至关重要。该研究组具有国际知名度,正筹备建立一种国际化的研究团队,在欧美开展广泛的合作研究。现因工作需要,急需招聘实验室助理(lab manager一名。










有意应聘者请将本人简历及求职信通过email发送至:henry.evrard@tuebingen.mpg.dehr@ion.ac.cn(请注明应聘deb lab+高校人才网),符合要求者,将尽快安排面试。应聘材料将予以保密,待遇面议。在职位未满之前招聘岗位长期有效。

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